About Us

Brief Profile of Dr. John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology

Dr. John Garang De Mabior
Former President of Southern Sudan
(June 23, 1945 – July 30, 2005)

Dr. John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology was first establishes by an order No 3, 2008 as Dr. John Garang Institute of Technology. The institute was an institution for learning, teaching and for developing its various curricula. The institute mandate was to serve the country in the context of Sudan, increase its resources and develop its intellectual, economic and social standards by training the students and awarding them degrees, staff and all those affiliated to it devoting themselves to teaching and research, contributing effectively to the enlightenment of Sudanese society, guiding its cultural development and enhancement of its standards and fostering strong relations with other universities and academic institutions. The ultimate aim of the institute was the realization of academic ideals to be attained by full awareness of the realities of the developing technological age. In so doing the institute was to enjoy freedom of thought and scientific research within the limits of the constitution and law. Historically it bears the name of late Dr. John Garang de Mabior, the founder and leader of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A). Late Dr. John Garang pioneered the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), 2005 which embedded referendum article and with the referendum popular vote led to the independence of the Republic of South Sudan on 9th July 2011. To follow the sequence, on 27 February 2007, H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Government of South Sudan laid the foundation stone for the establishment of the university as an Institute of Technology. On 22 January 2008, H.E. Philip Thon Leek who was by then Governor of Jonglei State signed collaboration agreement with the Rector of Free International University of Moldova (ULM). This collaboration agreement led to the opening of the Institute on ” February 2008. The Institute was to award degrees with accreditation from the Free International University of Moldova (ULIM), based on European Union Standards. In March 2010, the Institute was nationalito and upgraded to university status by H.. Omer Hassan Ahmed Al Bashir, resident of the Republic of Sudan.

Important changes were undertaken to incorporate laws of the Republic of South Sudan. As a result, the university Act, 2013 was enacted and the name and statute changed from institute to Dr. John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology in Jonglei state, Bor.

Administration and Top Management

Hon.Eng. Kuol Manyang Juuk

The Chairperson of the University Council

Prof. Dr. Abraham Matoc Dhal

Vice Chancellor

Prof. Dr. Hawa Abdullai Marjan

Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs - Dr.JG-MUST

Prof. Dr. Francis Soria Galuak

Deputy Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance - Dr.JG-MUST

Message from Vice Chancellor

This website carries a variety of ideas and update of information concerning University construction and training activities particulary in agriculture plus a wide information on staff recuitment and development. The focus is to impart science and technology ideas and as a tool for outreach to societies of South Sudan at large.

Current Enrolled Students
0 +
Teaching Staff
0 +
Technical Staff
0 +
Non Teaching/unclassified Staff
0 +

The purpose of the University is to provide the establishment of higher educational institution of learning to disseminate science, technology and to provide knowledge and involve the local population in different aspects of economic.


In particular, and mainly under chapter 2 of the University Act, 2013, The objectives of the university are to strive to disseminate science and technology through teaching, promotion of knowledge and complete participation in different aspects of economic, social and cultural development in the country, prepare students in different programmes of diploma, bachelor and postgraduate studies in the scientific and applied specializations and provide programmes for award of academic degrees, conduct scientific and applied research connected with the needs of the society for the purpose of making the required transformation in the country. More importantly, the university is to implement joint programmes with governmental units and public corporations, to promote technicians via teaching in the fields needed by the country in general and Jonglei state in particular. Further, the University aim is to invent appropriate technology connected with development and to provide aid to the national projects in the field of scientific and technical consultancy as well as to implement required programmes to rehabilitate students, promote social values and capabilities of students to prepare them for public life. Mindful of these objectives, their achievement requires the administration to formulate and lay down basic rules and necessary relevant regulations to guide performances of professional teaching staffs and teaching assistants, support staff both classified and unclassified to enable them to exercise their functions, duties, and responsibilities fairly and efficiently with commitment. 

Geographical Location

The University is located in Bor town, capital of Jonglei State. Jonglei state land area is about 122,587 square kilometres which is 47,329 sq. Miles. The state is located in the Greater Upper Nile region. It is bordered by Upper Nile State to the north, Unity State to the northwest and at the west of Bahar AL-Jabel River is the Lakes State to the southwest, Central Equatoria to the south west, Eastern Equatoria to the south and Ethiopia to the east of Bor town lies in the south-western corner of the state mainly on the Bahar Al Jabel River.