Dr. John Garang Memorial University of Science & Technology; Jonglei State, Bor.

College of Economic and Social Sciences



The College of Economic and Social Sciences was proposed in 2022 by Prof. Dr. Abraham Matoc Dhal, fifteen years after the establishment of Dr. John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology on 27th February 2007 and eleven years after the proclamation of South Sudan’s independence on July 9th, 2011. After the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and subsequent formation of the Southern Sudan’s autonomous government in 2005, Jonglei State found itself without qualified workforce in its ranks and files to take the challenges of the post-conflict Southern Sudan.


The first state employees that were absorbed into the government were either former liberation fighters from the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) or displaced persons from then united Sudan. That situation created uncertainty and threatened progress of the state government in delivering services to the people. The State Government then approached and persuaded the University to help train its vulnerable workforce and the University responded by establishing more social sciences programs along the physical or practical sciences which form the basics of the University.


Given this growing need for social scientists in different fields, the College of Economic and Social Sciences had introduced academic disciplines to offer bachelor degrees so as to meet the need for knowledgeable and productive workforce in both the public and private sectors nationwide.



The key objectives of the College of Economic and Social Sciences are:

  • To Equip able technocrats and economists for government institutions and private-sectors that can be able to compete at the state, national, and globally
  • To fully prepare the next generation of able world-class citizens  through its integrated  bachelor’s academic programs;
  • To produce quality qualified social scientists and researchers that will help improve South Sudan through empirical research;
  • To advance creativity and  innovation through scientific research on economic, political, cultural, and social aspects locally and at the international standard; and
  • To prepare the graduates for research challenges ahead in graduate and post-graduate studies.


Due to the high need for qualified technical government officials, the College of Economic and Social Sciences is offering bachelor degrees in four year programs of Economics, Statistics and Demography, Political Science and International Relation as well as Sociology and Social Anthropology. Due to the growing need for improved workforce in both the state government and private sector, the Senate of the University approved four academic programs in January 2023 to offer four years of general degrees in the following disciplines:

  • Economics
  • Statistics and Demography
  • Political Science and International Relations
  • Sociology and Social Anthropology


The College of Economic and Social Sciences recruited qualified lecturers in April 2023 and have taken up their job by developing the curriculum to the international standard so as to achieved excellence. The college had 34 teaching staff with qualifications ranging from associate professors to the level of teaching assistants (TAs). The college had some teaching assistants who could be developed to take up teaching post after completion of their postgraduate studies.